Free woodworking plans and projects instructions to build outdoor storage sheds for seasonal garden tools, wood sheds, colonial heritage landscapes, shed building related projects. Also, plans for building your own garden storage sheds that you can buy, downloadable and mail-order accesories for your backyard shed.
Build this backyard firewood storage shed...holds the perfect amount of wood and kindling for your firewood pit. Easy to build and will keep your firewood up of the ground which is so important. Free plans at the link.
Weather you use firewood to heat your home or just in a backyard fire pit, you need a spot to store your firewood...a firewood shed. Here are free instructions to build your own firewood shed.
Here is a quick and easy project for you to build. A shed ramp. Follow along at the link to see how easy it is to build.
A single page PDF document for a 55ft wide post and beam gable roof, with 14ft bays and a raised wooden floor. PDF number 5555.
33 ft x 52 ft x 16 ft , combination gable roof, laminated posts, 4 ftoc, one small section of this PDF page does not align properly. PDF number 6382.
Pesticide Storage Shed Building, 12 x 16 ft with front entrance dock, shed style roof and a raised wooden floor. PDF number 6136.
4 x 4 x 6 ft, Raised. Concrete, Shed Roof. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 5197.
Design and building plans for 24 ft x 48 ft multipurpose structure for sheep.
This side yard firewood shed can be used anywhere in your yard to store anything really but in this case it is firewood. Follow along and build your own shed. you can change up the dimensions to suit your space.
Cattle Shed and Auction Barn, 36 x 100 ft, Post and beam with Gable Roof construction. PDF number 6172.
Two pages of detailed plans for building a 20 ft x 32 ft shed for sheep.
Storage Buildings, 12 ft x 16 ft , 10 ft x 12 ft , 8 ft x 10 ft with gable roof and shed roof and concrete floor. PDF number 6086.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a small garden shed tricked out with porch and a modified gable roof with skylights. Simple plywood design. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a simple, plywood garden shed which features large, double doors, porch, a porch overhang with window for natural lighting and plant starting. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a 10 x 12 foot gardening or storage shed. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a shed to fit a narrow space. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for plans to build your own shed. Ours is 7 feet wide and 10 feet long but you can build any length you want. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a small garden shed. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for the framing layout of an 8 x 10 foot garden or tool shed. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a garden tool shed. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a shed dormer structure. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
2 Multi-row Caged. Design for a commercial rabbit housing facility.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for an 8 x 8 foot garden shed. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a carport attached to a shed or workshop. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
Machinery Storage, 25ft x 36ft with living quarters, 24ft x 25ft, truss rafter, stud wall and concrete foundation construction. PDF Number 5841.
Plans for a 20 ft x 32 ft structure for birthing and housing sheep
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for an 8 x 16 foot wood shed. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This free plan-set contains detailed plans, drawings and step-by-step instructions for a 2100mm x 2400mm (7ft x 8 ft) Board-and-batten Shed. Contents at bottom of page.
Have you ever noticed how often a home improvement project is inspired by a problem? Not long ago, Ron ran out of room to store his garden tools and his best solution was to build a garden shed.
Simply sign up for the Jamaica Cottage's newsletter to receive their free plans offer for buildings like their Vermonter 8x10 ft shed.