Free woodworking plans and projects instructions to build many versions of woodworking jigs to help you taper a board. Tapers are often used in table leg design.
A simple hinged tapering jig for use with a table saw. DXF Format
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for taper jig with vacuum clamping. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This handy jig was designed for cutting the tapered sides on wagon wheel spokes but it will certainly find other uses in your shop as well.
This taper jig is accurate and can accommodate a wide variety of lengths, widths, and thicknesses of stock. It also works great for making straight rip cuts on narrow pieces of stock. Extra articles: Shop Made Setup Gauge and a couple Shop Tips on dust control, plug inserts and gripping threaded rods.
Follow along at the link and build a taper jig for your table saw.
This tapering jig allows you to key in actual dimensions: the width of the stock you need to remove, and the length of the taper. The jig locks in place for repeated cuts, yet it can be easily readjusted simply by loosening the wing nut.
Build this tapering jig that also allows to joint at the table saw or at the router table.
Build this adjustable panel tapering sled. Follow along this fantastic tutorial.
Follow along with the instructions at the link and build your own tapering and jointing jig.
Learn how to build your own tapering jig with these free instructions.
Many fine furniture projects such as tables, chairs, etc., call for tapered legs. While there are many methods that could be used to create such tapered legs, probably the easiest is with a tapering jig for your table saw.
Build your own tapering jig to use on the table saw using this free tutorial.
Ripping table legs or other project pieces at an angle can be frustrating, even dangerous. This jig lets you set the precise angle to cut leg after leg safely.