Wind chimes and whirligigs bring back memories of relaxing on the front porch. or being stretched out on the hammock in the back yard or spending a lazy day at the cottage. Below are list of web sites that offer how-to build your own wind chimes using various materials.
Add a little whimsey to your backyard after you build this birdhouse wind chime, here is how...
Well ring my bell! This is a really simple project that you will get lots of enjoyment out of. Not only is it fun to make but fun to listen to when the wind blows.
Wind chimes allow us to snatch music from the air, and it takes only a few minutes to craft together a set of chimes that reflect your home decor or the whimsy of your imagination.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a wooden spinning whirligig. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a Whirligig where man continuously tries to crank start an old car. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a wood chopping whirligig. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
All you need to build this patriotic whirligig are common hand tools, a jigsaw and drill. Follow the step-by-step instructions at the link and create your own whirligig.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a wooden whirligig demonstrating that the woman really is the boss!. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
Of the various whirligig projects I have designed, the airplanes from World War II are my favorites. The P-51 Mustang was originally designed and built for the British air force. It first saw action in 1940. Later, the P-51 was used in the American air force.
Follow along at the link and build your own snoopy backyard whirligig. If you place him near your house you can always watch him from the window on a windy day.