A variety of construction and building instructions to build garden beds, in particular, raised garden beds. The quality of these plans varies since the information is hosted at different web sites. Choose woodworking projects to match your skill level.
At the link you can download the free plan to build a raised planter. The details on the side can be left off if you wish.
Design and construction plans for an above-ground garden with a trellis and holders for potted plants.
Build this raised garden bed for your backyard using these free woodworking plans.
Build your own raised garden beds using this free tutorial.
With just a few tools and some exterior grade lumber you can build this raised garden bed.
Build your raised garden beds this spring and get ready for the growing season. Here are the free plans.
Raised beds are a great way to garden. They raise the plants up so they are easier to get at and it is easier to control garden pests. These raised beds are very simple to build and are made from 2 X 12s with 4 X 4 inch corner supports.
Build a raised garden bed for flowers or veggies out of 2 x 4s. You will fine the free step-by-step woodworking plans at the link.
At the link you can download the free woodworking plans to build this square raised planter.
Make a great planting box for your vegetable garden.
Surrounded by timbers and filled with rich soil, the raised bed lets you customize your plants nutrients and moisture. It also brings the garden to the gardener, allowing you to easily maintain your plants without stooping.
It is a simple frame of rot-resistant lumber that holds soil in place and brings it to a height that is easy for everyone to reach without stepping onto precious plantsÃÂÂplus no more dirty knees.
This beautiful backyard raised garden bed is in a U shape for easy access from the center. You could even raise the beds up higher with a few adjustments to the instructions. Follow this build at the link.
Build a backyard raised garden bed using these free woodworking plans.
These garden planters have the best of both worlds. They are multi layered, and up off the ground. Build it using these free woodworking plans.
Build raised garden beds using rough cut untreated cedar and these free woodworking plans. There is also a video at the link.
Keep your gardens contained and up off the ground by building your own raised planter beds using this tutorial.
Build raised garden beds using these free easy-to-follow instructions.
At the link you will find everything you need to know on how to build these raised garden beds.
Build this raised garden planter using the free instructions available at the link.
If you have a heavy clay soil, you may find it easier to grow your vegetables in raised beds. Not only does the soil drain freely, but it also warms up faster in spring.
Build this raised garden planter using pallets or scrap wood you may have lying around. Here is how to build it.
Build this U shaped raised garden bed using these free woodworking plans.
Build some cedar raised garden beds with this great tutorial including supplies list, tool list, cut list and instructions.
Build raised garden beds using cedar or other rot-resistant materials and these free woodworking plans.
At the link you can scroll down the page to download the free plans to build a tiered raised garden bed. Just follow along with the free step-by-step instructions.
These raised garden beds measure 6 x 6 feet with a raised portion in the middle which you can leave off if you wish. Also you can build any size you want to suit your needs. Free building instructions at the link.
Build your own rot-resistant raised garden beds using these free step-by-step instructions.
Build a beautiful garden planter with trellis for all your gardening needs. The raised garden bed measures 6 x 6 feet so that gives you 36 sq feet of gardening space. Add the trellis for vertical plants, or just for the beauty of the thing. Free plans at the link.
Using raised beds should help with weeds getting into your vegetable garden. Here is how to build them.