Texas Holdem style Poker Tables are very popular. Build your own with free woodworking plans instructions. The plan listed here are hosted at other web site so the quality of the information and instructions varies. Please choose a project that closely matches your skill level.
Australian Woodsmith is a practical magazine for all woodworkers. From Issue 44. Drawing and layout only.(Australia)
Scott Keen shares his knowledge of building a poker table.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a poker table. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
Australian Woodsmith is a practical magazine for all woodworkers. From Issue 44. Layout and measurement diagram only.(Australia)
Chris Norrick details his experience of building a racetrack style poker table.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for an eight person poker table. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
When it came to building the poker table in this issue, we chose to use a pre-made pedestal base. But if you want to make the table out of a wood other than red oak, you might want to try making your own pedestal base. The patterns are available to download in this Online Extra.
Most of this tutorial teaches you how to apply your foam, fabric, and vinyl to the table. Maui Poker has put together a great page on how to cut out and build your table. Before you go any further, you can visit his site to learn the first steps. I did a few things different but pretty much ended up with the same result.
A compact folding table for card games and extra dinner guests. It has a sturdy and spacious top and can easily fold up and fit in almost any closet.
The Home Poker Tourney site is a valuable source of information for DIY poker table construction.
Extensive information. The original Build your own Poker Table and Step by Step Instructions site.
Here is my first (First? Like I might build another?) poker table. It is based mostly on Mark Junells very popular and well documented design. Kudos, Mark, for setting such a high standard.