This woodworkers list of free woodworking plans and projects features a collection of towel racks and towel holders for your home, in different designs that any beginner to moderately skilled do-it-yourselfer can build. The woodworking information found on these sites range in quantity and quality. Please contact individual web sites if you have questions about those woodworking projects.
Build your own cheap wood towel rack with this simple do it yourself plan.
This section provides step-by-step approach to build your own bathroom towel rack.
Get stuff off your countertops by building this wall mounted paper towel holder.
This towel hanger is only a few pieces of wood and a 1/2 inches steel ball. Sounds easy enough and it is, except that creating the groove for the steel ball could be tricky to downright dangerous if not done properly. So, read the instructions very thoroughly and decide for yourself if you have the required expertise. You need Adobe SVG View software to view the plan diagrams.
Update your bathroom by building this towel rack unit complete with a spot for hair appliances. Of course the bottom could be used for extra storage too.
This rack will come in handy when drying wet towels. Download the plan and get to work right away.
Our camper trailer just does not have a good place to mount one of those plastic paper towel holders so I decided to make one for the counter. This is a simple project that requires a little imagination.