This Do-it-yourself gareden structure projects list features a collection of DIY free woodworking trellis plans from woodworker related web sites. The woodworking information found on these sites range in quantity and quality.
Build your own tomato cages using this free tutorial. These ones fold to be stored away in winter.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for Swedish garden trellis. Decorative metal straps at the corners of the base, and a metal crown, help to hold the piece together. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This modern looking vine trellis would make a great addition to any yard, then plant your favourite climbing plant and wait for the magic. Easy to build, just follow the instructions at the link.
Building a triangle lattice from wood, including diagrams, instructions. ...
Spring is here and it is time to start thinking about flowers. One of the best ways to display flowers is with a nice trellis and we think this one fits the ticket just fine. It is easy to build and looks great!
With a materials list and step-by-step photos and instructions, even a beginner can make this garden trellis.
This trellis is an elegant way to get a degree of privacy for a porch, deck or even a patio. It is also a great place to grow climbing plants.
Information on building and soldering a copper trellis, copper fittings, propane torch, gardening, vines, flowers, climbing, landscaping. Use ordinary copper pipe and tubing to create this backyard accent.
Build this backyard vegetable trellis for your garden using these free step-by-step woodworking plans.
Weather you need privacy or just wish to give support to some vines, this trellis covers both. Build it using this great tutorial.
Follow this tutorial to build a garden trellis. This would make a great spot for a climbing vine.
Anyone can build a trellis, but if you want a different design then these are the free instructions for you. Build a starburst trellis today.
Build a trellis for your yard using these free woodworking plans.
This angled trellis is perfect for climbing fruit and vegetable plants. Here is how to build it.
Grow climbing plants or use this trellis as a privacy screen after you build it using these free plans.
This garden trellis building project is the perfect thing for beginner woodworkers. It is basically a ladder for climbing plants.
Before you set aside your push sticks and dust mask for the season, make something to enjoy all summer. This project takes only about a day to build, once you have all the materials..
It is getting close to spring and time to start planting all those beautiful annuals. We love sweet peas and clematis and this trellis will show them off in grand style. We made our trellis really tall. You can adjust all the dimensions down if you want a shorter trellis.
This trellis is an easy build even for beginners. It is more sturdy than most with two legs for better stability.
Follow along at the link and build your own trellis.
Here are three trellis toppers for you to download for free. Build one and add it as a decorative touch to the top of your trellis.
Add interest to your flower beds with a pyramid trellis. Here is how this one is built.
Although this trellis is shown with clotheslines attached it could also be used as a stand-alone piece in your yard. Here is how to build it.
Build a mid century trellis using the free tutorial at the link.
This trellis is attached directly to a fence or garage wall. Build it using these free instruction.
The handyguys built a simple garden trellis of their own design and decided to make plans available to anyone who wants them. Feel free to download the .pdf and pass it around to whoever may want it.
How to fit and fix trellis panels or sections into a frame.
Spiff up your garage doors by building a trellis using this free tutorial.
Build a chevron trellis to add interest to an otherwise plain area of your yard. Here is how...
Build a corner trellis for your backyard or garden using these free woodworking plans.