Free woodworking plans and projects instructions to build workbenches, worktables and workshop coutners. Also, plans for workbenches you can buy, accesories for worktables and related information.
No need to be without toys when you have scrap wood laying around. Build a fleet of wooden toy boats using the free instructions at the link.
May be suitable for carving, woodburning (pyrography), intarsia or scrollsaw ideas.
The character and object of this book are set forth on its title page. It is a manual designed for the practical assistance of those who wish to build their own canoes.
Mouse started life as a one-sheeter, that is, an exercise to develop the smallest, cheapest possible boat. As a result, it is not a boat to which you can safely trust your life in any sort of waves - as anyone who climbs into a Mouse will quickly realize.
May be suitable for carving, woodburning (pyrography), intarsia or scrollsaw ideas.
This is a simple project when pre-cut pieces are used. Scrap pine can be used for all parts.
This little gem is from a 1950 edition of Boat Builder is Annual. Also a note from Tom Dacon who had one as a boy.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for an easy to build stand to support your small water craft. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
Swamp Thing looks fairly sleek in some ways, but has low freeboard and holds only one person. We wanted to be able to go rowing together, but we also wanted to be able to pick the boats up and put them in the back of a small truck. That meant we each needed our own boat.
The Admirals Hat - A one sheet navy admirals hattorious hatship.
This cartoon character pattern may be suitable for carving, woodburning (pyrography), intarsia or scrollsaw ideas.
This is a miniature version of the same punt, adjusted to be made of one and a half sheets of plywood. Or two boats out of three sheets. As it happens, the boat scales down very nicely. The overall shape is conserved beautifully.
There are also about as many ways to build a boat as there are boat builders. This web page is not intended to be a how to lesson, but rather an - I did it this way - show and tell.
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. You will find many interesting plans to inspire yourself and those you care about.
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. You will find many interesting plans to inspire yourself and those you care about.
This small sailboat is the perfect decoration to give any room a maritime look any time of the year. This wood craft is quick and easy for novice woodworkers, too.
This free woodworking plans and woodworking projects page is courtesy of the Meliz Crafts web site.
I think this boat could be quite something - a fast 14ft one-man rower that comes out of two sheets of ply. Designed for flat water, you will notice that in order to reduce the fuss at the waterline to a minimum, I have worked the waterline at the design displacement so that it just kisses the chine.
An 11 foot outboard. Images are large so be patient when downloading.
Building wood, reclining water transportation, includes materials and tools list, diagrams. ...
A 9 foot 6 inch rowboat. Be patient when downloading from this host site, images are large.
A 20 foot cabin cruiser. Be patient when downloading, images at the site are large.
This little gem is from a 1950 edition of Boat Builders Annual. Hi Sibley may have foreseen the Bolger Box boat movement! You think?
The Ozarks has many things that are all its own, One of the most interesting products of the Ozarks is the johnboat, a combination of the ingenuity of the people and the natural features of the region.
Flat bottom cajun style boat. DXF Format
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. You will find many interesting plans to inspire yourself and those you care about.
Flying Mouse is an exercise to develop just about the smallest, cheapest possible sailing boat I can conceive. As a result, its not a boat to which you can safely trust your life in any sort of waves - as anyone who climbs into a Flying Mouse will quickly figure out.
This is a one sheet version of the same punt, adjusted to be made of just one sheet of plywood. As it happens, the boat scales down very nicely. The overall shape is conserved beautifully. Both length and beam are 3/4 of the original, so the L/B ratio is the same, about 2.2.
The humblest boat in the collection is definitely boat number 11 on plate 48, the Ekstock. This boat is also the only one with a flat bottom, flat sides and flat transoms. Ekstock is Swedish for punt, literally oak log. So the boat is a traditional Scandinavian punt.
If you like your sports speedy, try this lightweight 12-1/2 foot outboard hydroplane. Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. Plans at this site are large and slow loading so be patient.