Make either the climbing lizard or the tumbling acrobat string toys for hours of enjoyment for children.
A lively Christmas display on your lawn or roof top will contribute to the spirit of Christmas in your community. Make your holiday decorations distinctive by featuring this new slant on the ever popular Yuletide Carolers.
The combinations are only limited to the number of runs you create and place into position. The trick is to use strong magnets like rare earth magnet (they are not really rare). Stick them to your fridge or washing machine or where ever else a magnet will stick.
Follow along and build your own card catalogue cabinet. It could even be an end table or night stand.
Build this beautiful relaxing porch swing using the free instructions provided.
Build this planter box for your backyard by following these simple instructions.
With this iron and ironing board the little ones can play the grown up role of ironing the clothes.
This media cabinet features two drawers as well as two doors with shelves behind them. Great for storage and stylish too. Here is the free tutorial.
Isn't this spoon a beauty! Never thought I would say those words. This spoon was carved from cherry and if you wish to carve your own curvy spoon you will need to click through and follow along with the free step-by-step instructions.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a router table station which has a 24x48 inch table, Incra channels and 4 inch casters. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
This turned salad bowl is approximately 8 inches in diameter and 4 inches high. This salad bowl features a decorative textured band just below the rim on the outside added with a texturing tool. Follow along at the link to turn your own bowl.
Build this beautiful mirror frame using the free step-by-step instructions at the link.
Make this pencil or pen holder in the shape of a hedgehog. Fun!
Complete novice woodworking plans for building a fully-functional studio easel for less than $100 in materials using tools you will find in your basement or your friends garage. This easel is suitable for securing huge canvases and extendable to any size.
Since 1998 WoodworkersWorkshop International Distribution Center (IDC) has been the online purchasing and distribution center for many of the highest quality woodworking plans and carpentry products available to date. We currently sell over 8,000 woodworking plans.
Build this decorative address plaque post to add instant curb appeal.
The slight curve of this bench makes it perfect for napping. Follow these steps to build one for yourself.
This desk comes apart completely without the use of any tools. It is to some extent just held together by gravity. But loaded up with enough stuff on top, its quite stable.
As with all outside timber structures, gates have to be designed to withstand the elements. It is a relatively common experience to have difficulty trying to open (and shut) some timber gates that are either jammed between the posts, or have sagged and are dragging on the ground. A bit of forethought can alleviate these problems.