Free woodworking plans and projects instructions to build houses and small cottage style homes. Also, plans for house and homes you can buy, remodeling and garage building projects and related information.
Retirement, 38 x 39 ft plus patio and garage, den, hip roof. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 7254.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for an easy to build wren birdhouse. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
Simple to build small space modern farm table. Seats just four, perfect for adding that rustic modern edge to your dining space.
24 x 28 ft, expandable, gable roof, stud wall, kitchen cabinets, concrete foundation. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 6514.
32 x 65 ft plus entry and garage, office, gable roof, fireplace and concrete floor. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 7242.
Plans for an L-shaped house with 1,632 square feet living area.
Building your own kitchen or dining room table saves a lot of money and you get what you really want. Here is a great tutorial to build your own farmhouse table.
This farmhouse desk is beautiful and measures approximately 45 inches long and 20 inches deep. You will find the free step-by-step plans at the link.
Here is the original article from the March - April 1959 Deltagram Rockwell Manufacturing Company - A Deltacraft Publication.
28 x 44 ft plus deck, truss rafter, stud wall and raised wood floor. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 7249.
Follow these free instructions to build your own farmhouse bench perfect for a hallway.
Plans for constructing a single or double wood duck house.
24 x 48 ft plus patio, hip roof, stud wall and concrete floor. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 7245.
Build your own outdoor benches for your patio or backyard. Just follow the free woodworking plans at the link.
Build this handsome modern farmhouse table perfect for a kitchen or dining room. Just click through to the free plans at the link to follow the free step-by-step instructions for building your own table.
24 x 36 ft, 1 bath, vertical siding, post beam, wood floor. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 7247.
26 x 46 ft, 2 baths, gable roof, stud wall, concrete floor. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 7266.
If you have an outdoor cat, you may want to build it a log cabin cat house. You can even heat it if you wish. Either way...there are free plans available at the link to build this outdoor cat house.
Build this four foot tall farmhouse chest which features four drawers using these free woodworking plans.
This farmhouse dining table has an industrial twist and you can build it using these free downloadable woodworking plans.
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. You will find many interesting plans to inspire yourself and those you care about.
Build this farmhouse style dining table using these free step-by-step woodworking plans.
26 x 26 ft plus porch, coal heat, kitchen detail, gable roof, basement. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 6540.
20 x 32 ft, expandable, hip roof, stud wall, raised wood floor, fireplace. Follow the instructions on that page to quickly find the plan number. This plan number is 6522.
This beautiful yet rustic modern farmhouse bed is a great woodworking project if you like to save money over buying from a store. Plans include modifications for all sizes of mattresses.
At the link you can download the free scroll saw pattern for this lighthouse silhouette.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for an insulated dog house. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
Build a farmhouse style end table using the free step-by-step woodworking plans at the link.
Build this farmhouse sideboard featuring four drawers, a cabinet with a shelf, and concealed wine storage.
Coolwater - A $70 SHANTY BOAT!! Well, maybe it might cost a little more in today is money. These plans even detail how to make a built in wooden bilge pump!