Free woodworking plans and projects instructions to build workbenches, worktables and workshop coutners. Also, plans for workbenches you can buy, accesories for worktables and related information.
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. Plans at this site are large and slow loading so be patient.
Summer Breeze was designed to be the most boat from the least materials. It is a robust all purpose skiff targeted primarily at pleasurable rowing and sailing in protected waters, but also suitable for a small motor. It is light enough to car top, narrow enough for most truck beds and yet has capacity for two adults and a child.
The Qivitoq is an Inuit-style Sea Kayak, and was heavily based on native design. The original inspiration came from the Chewonki Kayak. That article and others on Greenland type kayaks were the foundation.
The Ozarks has many things that are all its own, One of the most interesting products of the Ozarks is the johnboat, a combination of the ingenuity of the people and the natural features of the region.
One day I decided I need a sculling training boat that is not of fishing boat style, but rather of Olympic style. With a sliding seat, and probably outriggers too.
By Paul Butler - First-time boat builder? Try this easy project over a weekend.
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. You will find many interesting plans to inspire yourself and those you care about.
.Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. Plans at this site are large and slow loading so be patient.
Flying Mouse is an exercise to develop just about the smallest, cheapest possible sailing boat I can conceive. As a result, its not a boat to which you can safely trust your life in any sort of waves - as anyone who climbs into a Flying Mouse will quickly figure out.
A sailboard rig is going to be a winner on looks and also efficiency, but everything else about this boat has got to look cool and be efficient too - in order to match that sail in the kids minds, even the daggerboard and rudder have got to have a little something about them. It also has to be a sit-on boat rather than a sit-in one. The basic dimensions close I have chosen are close to those of a couple of plastic mass-produced designs aimed at the young and intended for the same sort of purpose as here.
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. Plans at this site are large and slow loading so be patient.
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. You will find many interesting plans to inspire yourself and those you care about.
The Admirals Hat - A one sheet navy admirals hattorious hatship.
This runabout is designed for speedy transportation over protected waters.
This cartoon character pattern may be suitable for carving, woodburning (pyrography), intarsia or scrollsaw ideas.
A 9 foot 6 inch rowboat. Be patient when downloading from this host site, images are large.
A 16 foot cabin cruiser. Be patient when downloading, images at the site are large.
This little gem is from a 1950 edition of Boat Builders Annual. Hi Sibley may have foreseen the Bolger Box boat movement! You think?
There are also about as many ways to build a boat as there are boat builders. This web page is not intended to be a how to lesson, but rather an - I did it this way - show and tell.
This 3-D sailboat makes a spectacular centerpiece for your mantel. It is a perfect gift for the special sailor in your life.
Welcome to the home of free boat and model airplane plans. Plans at this site are large and slow loading so be patient.
A boat made of just a single standard sheet of plywood.
The humblest boat in the collection is definitely boat number 11 on plate 48, the Ekstock. This boat is also the only one with a flat bottom, flat sides and flat transoms. Ekstock is Swedish for punt, literally oak log. So the boat is a traditional Scandinavian punt.
A fin-tailed 15 foot outboard runabout.
A 7 ft 8 inch one sheet skiff.
This cartoon character pattern may be suitable for carving, woodburning (pyrography), intarsia or scrollsaw ideas.
A 11 foot 10 inch flat. Large images to download, be patient.
An 11 foot outboard. Images are large so be patient when downloading.
Toy boat, toy boat, toy boat! Here is a wood project for the kids that will need an adults assistance. We made these toy paddle-wheel boats as kids and played with them in the big pond we had at the back of our property. You can have that same kind of fun with this easy to build paddle-wheel boat. Make these with your friends and have boat races.
The Big Sister design is a 19 ft 5 inches x 5 ft 6 inches (5.9 m x 1.6 m) banks type dory. Based on the design criteria presented above, with the ability to carry at least three or four people.