Free woodworking plans to make a wide selection of cutting boards for your kitchen or bar.
Build a sturdy cutting board with this free tutorial. This one was build using a scrap piece of white oak.
Try your hand at building a beautiful basket weave cutting board using this free tutorial.
Learn how to build your own custom cutting board which features a crumb catcher as well.
This process is fascinating. Follow along and build your own curved cutting board using a method known as bent lamination.
Instead of the usual style cutting board, why not build something more eye catching!! Find out how at the link. Best part is it can be made from wood scraps.
For something a little different you could build a cutting board that resembles a rack o' ribs. Fun!!
This X design cutting board uses a few different types of wood but you could use the same wood species and let the grain and direction of the wood be the star. Free plans at the link.
Follow along at the link and find out how to made this fabulous cutting board using scrap wood.
Seems charcuterie boards are all the rage so you might consider building your own. Not a difficult thing to do and can be complete in an afternoon. Follow along at the link to se the step-by-step instructions.
For something a little different than the usual, how about building a cutting board with marble inlay. Just follow along at the link and build one for your kitchen.
Build a beautiful end grain cutting board using this free tutorial.
This free project includes design ideas, patterns, and construction details to guide you through the process. Plus, watch one cutting board take shape with a free how-to video.
Ever wanted to make cutting boards but you do not own a planer? Well here are the free instructions for you. Learn how these beautiful cutting boards were made with only a few tools.
This wooden cheese board has a very nice, simple design with a wooden handle, so it is very convenient for serving.
Make this awesome end grain houndstooth pattern cutting board. At the link it is all broken down for you to follow. It is a repeat pattern, obviously, so much cutting of a few pieces. Build it using the free plans.
This plan takes you through the steps to make a beautiful edge grain butcher block cutting board.
Every kitchen could use several of these cutting boards. Here is how to make them.