This Do-it-yourself projects category features a collection of DIY free woodworking plans to build garden planter boxes from woodworker related web sites. The woodworking information found on these sites range in quantity and quality.
Build this planter box and add curb appeal to your front entryway. This one was done in a faux zinc finish but choose a finish to compliment your home. Free plans at the link.
This kind of planter is practical for most types of plantings, and easy to build too.
These small raised planters will save your back and knees!! Perfect for adding a splash of color to a small area. Follow along with the free building plans at the link.
Save your back and knees and build a raised planter box. Perfect for either side of your door or in your backyard filled with vegetables. Follow the free woodworking plans at the link to build your own.
Add curb appeal by building a pair of these handsome planter boxes. At the link you will find all the instructions you will need to get building.
This pyramid gutter planter is a great way to have a compact planter whether you pant an abundance of flowers, herbs or strawberries. It is an inexpensive build too. Follow along at the link to build your planter.
Build this planter box for your houseplants using these free woodworking instructions.
Build your own tapered planter boxes using cedar and these free downloadable woodworking plans.
This beautiful privacy planter was built using 2 x 4s and cedar fence pickets. This is a beginner friendly project and you will find the free step-by-step plans at the link. Perfect for hiding something in your yard or just simply for privacy.
This one was build using pallets but you could use any wood to build a deck rail planter. This would work on a patio or balcony. Here is the how-to.
Build this beautiful planter using cedar, aluminum flashing and these free plans.
Combine this vertical planter with your house numbers to add curb appeal to your home. This is a quick and easy project.
These planter boxes are specifically designed to be attached to your railing or fence for added color. Follow the step-by-step building instructions to complete this project.
Tired of bending or kneeling to tend to your flowers?? Build a raised planter box. Perfect for bringing a little color to your front porch. Follow along at the link and build your own raised planter box.
These cedar deck rail planters are 48 inches long but you can adjust the length to suite your railing.
There planters are different than the norm but cost effective to build using 12x12 inch concrete stepping stones. Here is the tutorial.
These fab louvered planter boxes were built using cedar but you could use any exterior grade lumber for this project. Cedar just happens to be beautiful. Follow along with the free plans and video to build your own.
Add inexpensive curb appeal to your home by building a full length planter box. Here is a great tutorial on how to do it.
These narrow planter boxes could be used in a variety of places including on your deck railing. Here are the free woodworking plans.
Measuring approximately three feet tall, this planter will make a statement by your front door. Build it using these free instructions.
Build a planter box with trellis for your yard using the free step-by-step woodworking plans at the link. Also included are diagrams, shopping list and cut list.
This is a link to a Google 3D SketchUp drawing for a simple garden planter with trellis. You will need the SketchUp software to download this drawing and its freely available online. We do not provide support for this software. Not all drawings have the measurements displayed but you can use the measurement tool in SketchUp to easily and accurately determine the dimensions of each lumber part. Most drawings do not have instructions, its assumed you can build it based on the completed drawing provided.
Build a planter box with attached trellis for climbing plants using these free plans.
Build yourself a modern raised planter using the free woodworking plans and instructions at the link. There is a video there as well.
This project is a two in one. Build the planter with hose storage using the free woodworking plans available at the link.
Follow these free woodworking instructions and build a couple of modern wooden planters. The great thing is you can make them any height you wish or even a few different heights.
Build a couple of planter boxes to give curb appeal to your front door using these free instructions.
Build this planter box with attached trellis. It makes a great focal point for your yard or patio and the trellis serves for growing vines as well as privacy.
Learn how to build an elevated planter box using the free woodworking plans provided at the link.
Add curb appeal to your outdoor space by building a few planter boxes with this great tutorial including a cut list.