Plenty of free woodworking project plans to build outdoor garden furniture can be found in this woodworkers category.
Build your own wood plank loveseat using these free woodworking plans. Perfection!
This outdoor kitchen island is built from cedar and has lots of storage as well as room for a sink.
Build a modern outdoor side table perfect for patio season. Just the thing for placing your cool refreshing drink. Follow the free step-by-step plans at the link.
This outdoor dining table features H-shaped legs and was built using cedar. At the link you will find the free downloadable plans to build it.
Build a patio end table using exterior grade lumber and these free woodworking plans.
Build this awesome outdoor coffee table using exterior grade lumber like cedar or pressure treated wood and these free downloadable woodworking plans.
This round outdoor table is perfect for your patio or deck between two chairs. Build it using these free instructions.
Build a simple outdoor dining table with benches using 2 x 4s and the free plans provided at the link.
This outdoor dining table will fit 10 people comfortably and is stylish too. Easy to build, just follow along at the link and you will be ready for company in no time.
Build this footrest and put your feet up and relax. Here are the free downloadable woodworking plans.
Build this outdoor coffee table which features a concrete top made of pavers. At the link are free step-by-step plans.
Build this outdoor console table using readily available lumber and the free woodworking plans located at the link. Perfect as an accent piece or for serving drinks.
Build your own outdoor sofa using the free woodworking plans available at the link. Be sure to purchase your cushions before you begin to build so they will fit. These building plans are beginner friendly.
Single lounger for the Simple Modern Outdoor Collection. Features simple prop-up back with adjustable positions.
This awesome outdoor dining table features X-legs and a herringbone design on the top. At the link you will find the free downloadable plans.
Build a side table/umbrella stand using these free instructions.
You only need a drill and a saw to build this outdoor coffee table using 2 x 4s. Free woodworking plans are available at the link.
Build an outdoor dining table and chairs from pallets using these step-by-step instructions.
Here you will find free downloadable woodworking plans to build your own outdoor dining table. Beautiful!!
While this outdoor coffee table is fabulous as is, at the link you will find free plans to take it one step further and add an optional planter.
Build your own outdoor sofa so you can relax on the patio this summer. Here are the free plans.
Build this simple outdoor side table using weather resistant lumber and these free plans.
If extra seating for your patio is on your shopping list, move it over to your to-do list. Now you can build your own outdoor sofa using the free woodworking plans available at the link.
This umbrella stand side table might be the perfect build for your backyard patio. It serves as a stand for your umbrella and has a hinged top which will allow you to keep drinks cool this summer. Click on the link and follow the free plans available there.
This sturdy white-oak table will last a lifetime and will not blow over.
Build a chunky, sturdy outdoor dining table with X legs. The free plans at the link will give you everything you need to know to build this beauty.
Build an outdoor coffee table using 2 x 4 and 2 x 2 boards and the free step-by-step woodworking plans available at the link.
Build this beautiful round patio coffee table using the free step-by-step instructions available at the link.
Ever think to build your own outdoor sofa? You should. At the link you will find the free woodworking tutorial to build an outdoor sofa, perfect for your patio, front porch or back yard.
This outdoor side table has a unique utilizes a concrete paver for the top. Of course that is optional. Click on the link and you will find the free woodworking plans to build this patio furniture.