The miscellaneous category of outdoor and garden woodworking projects offers a wide variety of plans to spruce up your outdoor living area. Here you will find an extensive assortment of outdoor woodworking plans and projects for sale from a selection of reputable online woodworking stores, including our own.
Make your tree come to life with their own magical character and personality. Each of the individual Tree Face details in this plan are interchangeable. The eyes, ears, nose and mouth can be arranged in any combination to create dozens of different expressions. The patterns for all the pieces are drawn full size.
The strong rack keeps the garden hose organised and off the ground. This woodworking design includes instructions, exploded view diagrams, and full-size drawings for the projects.
Display these Baltimore Orioles in your flower pot or in the yard. Plan includes full size patterns for both male and female bird. Measures about 7 inches long, they are close to the actual size of real birds. Easy to make from five layers of wood.
A friendly toad, designed to sit in your garden and act as a lookout. All patterns are drawn full size for easy transfer to your wood.
Create an enchanting grotto in your yard or garden with our delightful fairies and their cottages! Build with 3/4 inch pine and 1/4 inch exterior grade plywood. All patterns drawn full size. Cottage measures approximately 9-1/2 inches high.
In your house or garden, display in a flowerpot. Both male and female bird patterns in full size are included in this woodworking plan. They resemble genuine birds in size because they are around 7 inches long. Simple to construct with five layers of wood. Slice the centre layer of pine to be 3/4 inches thick, and the subsequent layers to be 7/16 inches thick (or whatever thinner wood pieces you may have).
Create an enchanting grotto in your yard or garden with our delightful fairies and their cottages! Build with 3/4 inch pine and 1/4 inch exterior grade plywood. All patterns drawn full size. Cottage measures approximately 9-1/2 inches high.
A friendly squirrel, designed to sit in your garden and act as a lookout. All patterns are drawn full size for easy transfer to your wood.
This train planter is designed as a garden decoration. Flowers can be planted in each of the railway cars or you can just use it to define the border of a garden area, or as a garden feature all by itself. If you make it form treated pine you will not have to stain it if you don't want to.
Create an enchanting grotto in your yard or garden with our delightful fairies and their cottages! Build with 3/4 inch pine and 1/4 inch exterior grade plywood. All patterns drawn full size. Cottage measures approximately 9-1/2 inches high.
A friendly rabbit, designed to sit in your garden and act as a lookout. All patterns are drawn full size for easy transfer to your wood. When finished, it measures 20 inches high x 12-1/2 inches wide.
This woodworking plan includes full size illustrations to make this mandolin door harp project. When hung on the door, this musical mandolin will welcome your visitors with a beautiful random tune each time the door is opened or closed. When the door is moved, four wood balls bounce on stretched musical wire. The thin plywood provides resonance to amplify the sound. Measures 8-1/8 inches wide.
With its eye-catching angel design, this pyramid trellis will stick out in your yard. You can use plywood or 1x12 lumber to cut the characteristics of the angel head, wings, arms, and flowing garment. Lumber 2x2s and 2x4s are used to construct the trellis base. The project is shown as natural cedar. It can also be made of pine and completely white stained. Approximately 73 inches high by 32 inches wide. This woodworking design includes instructions, exploded view diagrams, and full-size drawings for the projects.
A friendly frog, designed to sit in your garden and act as a lookout. All patterns are drawn full size for easy transfer to your wood. When finished, it measures 16-1/2 inches high x 15-1/2 inches wide inches.
In all but balmy climates, cold frames help protect seedings from spring storms and chillâand they also can extend the growing season into late fall. This one folds for easy storage between the times ...
Included in this scrollsaw pattern pack includes full size drawings to make quite a variety of garden stakes for your vegetable garden. And also a number of birds to add some whimsy to the yard. The simplest method would be to cut the projects from 3/4 inch thick lumber and paint on all of the colors and lines. For some added dimension you cut out the body, them cut out additional layers of the wings, etc. The plan has a full color guide with tips and pointers to complete your projects. View the Larger Image Slideshow for close up pictures of the actual plan.
Here we have our simple to make candle holders. IDEA: You could drill holes for tall candles or drill wider, more shallow holes for votive candles. Easy to cut and paint using the smallest of scrap wood pieces or leave a natural wood color. Simply size it to how you like and print it to your computer. Beginner skill level.
Our big Greeting Signs average in size 14 inches wide and 19 inches high and offer lots of options so look over the plan and mounting instructions to choose which option you prefer. The sign may be flat or layered, have an attached or suspended sign, may be wall mounted, used as a simple yard poke or mounted in a one or two post stand. See also the Sign Post Setup plan 05-WP-495.
Fancy our pixie fairy as they magically play in your garden or playroom. Each 12 inches tall. Cut form one board or layer on the wings, we provide you with the additional drawings. Our full size drawings will allow you to easily make these scrollsaw silhouettes. Custom sizing available.
This custom-designed enclosure turns an outdoor eyesore into an attractive feature of your garden. This hose hider will work with almost any hose hanger that attaches to the house. You can adjust the dimensions as needed by adding more sideboards or by adjusting the backboard. Best of all, you can either attach it to the house or, if you have a paved surface, let it stand in place.
This project was inspired by the familiar wish, Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. A white light shines between two pieces of blue acrylic plastic which are cut into the shape of a star. The angel holds the lighted stars between her hands as she kneels in your yard. All plans drawn FULL SIZE on huge pattern sheets. Project measures almost 31 inches high. Make it from 1 x 12 and 2 x 10 inch lumber.
This box will hold your seed packets until you are ready to plant. The divided slots and see-through lid keeps your seed choices organized and easy to view.
A single bat can consume up to 800 mosquitoes in an hour and 3000 insects in a single night, yet bat populations are declining as a result of public fear. By constructing a bat house, you can aid in reestablishing the harmony of nature. The likelihood of habitation is considerably increased by building multiple bat houses, positioning them at various heights, and orienting them in various directions. This woodworking design includes instructions, exploded view diagrams, and full-size drawings for the projects.
A single bat can consume thousands of insects overnight. Due to human intervention, bat populations are declining. Construct a bat house and you can help in rebuilding their population. By building multiple bat houses you increase the chances of their survival.
Layers of 3/4 and 1/4 inch thick pine make this old fashioned Dutch Sinter Klaas (Father Christmas) quick and easy to cut out and paint. Patterns drawn FULL SIZE.
This friendly creature is designed to sit in your garden and act as a lookout for your blooms and veggies. All patterns drawn FULL SIZE for easy transfer to your wood. Project can be built from inexpensive cedar fencing.
This garden hay wain (wain means a wheeled vehicle for carrying) can be decorated for every season. Simple construction from 3/4 inch thick pine and 2x2 inch lumber.
This grass pattern is the perfect accent piece to finish off a yard art display. Measuring 70 inches long. If you need more length, simply make another one and add to the end.
Fancy our pixie fairy as they magically play in your garden or playroom. Each 12 inches tall. Cut form one board or layer on the wings, we provide you with the additional drawings. Our full size drawings will allow you to easily make these scrollsaw silhouettes. Custom sizing available.
This watering can birdhouse is easy to make from 3/4 inches lumber. Measures 10 inches high with 5 x 5 inches inside cavity.