Finished Dimensions
Width: 13 inches (32.5 cm)
Wood and Supplies needed:
We used cherry but you can use a wood of your choice. A full materials and supplies list is included with the plan.
Tools needed:
Bandsaw, drill, clamps, scroll saw, router, and common hand tools.
tabletop sleigh
Bought this plan and made it for a Christmas gift. Thanks.
Submitted by: John on 01/18/2016 08:24:58 PM
New England Lighthouse Birdhouse woodworking plans - Can be built without birdhouse features. The New England Lighthouse birdhouse is one in a series of four distinctive houses representing ...
Zig-zag model is the Largest at (left) 25 inches high x 17 1/2 inches wide x 12 inches deep. Arched top model (right) 20 inches high x 10 1/2 inches wide x 7 inches deep. The marble game on the left is a basic double raceway, zigzag device. It has a handy ...
Sawbuck projects! Cut it out from scrap wood you probably have in your workshop. Festive tables always seem to be over flowing with decorations, gifts, food and everything else. Why not use a seasonal...
Sawbuck projects! Cut it out from scrap wood you probably have in your workshop. You will be surprised at how many of these rocking horses you can make in a relatively short amount of time. Leave them...
Standing 15 inches tall, this cute reindeer can be easily made in 20 minutes with a few scrap pieces of lumber. I made this one by literally pulling a couple pine boards that were destined for the fir...
A table top centrepiece or a fireplace mantle decoration. This project is constructed from 1/4 inch plywood and 3/4 inch lumber, sanded, painted and glued together. This woodworking plan provides full size illustrations and exploded view diagrams.
This Nativity scene puzzle woodworking plan includes the patterns for both nativity scene puzzles shown here. Display as a holiday decoration or use as a child's puzzle. Extremely easy to make from 1-1/2 inch thick scrap wood pieces.
A swan inspired table centrepiece or a fireplace mantle decoration. Parts are cut from 3/4 inch thick wood. Measures about 13-1/2 inches long. This woodworking plan provides full size illustrations, exploded view diagrams and instructions to make the projects shown.
This nativity background scene is designed to accent most nativity scenes including those plastic and ceramic figures of the Nativity. This woodworking plan provides full size illustrations, exploded view diagrams and instructions to make the projects shown.
This project is approximately 11 inches diameter x18 inches tall. Maypole preparation begins about two weeks before the actual festival. The workmen head out to the forest and find a tree and cut it down. For this project, it is a much simpler method.