Except for the driest regions, wolves were historically abundant throughout the entire United States. In Canada and Alaska, Timber Wolves (also known as Gray Wolves) are currently widespread. With these layered wolves, you may establish your own wolf population. Both standing and sitting wolf patterns in FULL SIZE are included in the plan. 30 inches long and 26 inches tall.
Quietly, from the foggy dreams of legends passed down from generations and told through stories around the camp fire, the wolf enters. This compelling scroll saw pattern would make a perfect ...
Our wolf pack, howling into the wilderness, communicating with other wolves far away. 20 x 31, 30 x 24 and 27 x 30 inches in size. Make from a half sheet of plywood. Stake them to show off in a post o...
This project would look great in the yard, or out in the field. Measuring 55x27 and 24x15 inches. Custom sizing available upon request.
Our scrollsaw woodworking pattern features the natural beauty of the intelligent wolf. This pattern is very delicate and must be cut and handled very carefully. A spiral blade will minimize turning th...
Few animals match the sly intelligence of the wolf. A very cunning hunter of the woodlands and barrens. This scroll saw silhouette pattern is a good woodworking plan for beginners to practice cutting ...
Except for the driest regions, wolves were historically abundant throughout the entire United States. In Canada and Alaska, Timber Wolves (also known as Gray Wolves) are currently widespread. 30 inches long and 26 inches tall.
Display favorite wildlife without having to hunt it down! You can make the decorative "trophy" version or the coat rack version. All patterns drawn FULL size.