Plan Author: WoodworkersWorkshop®
Plan Size: 463KB, 3 page(s)
Plan Publisher:, Inc.
Published Date: 2015
Plan Language: English
Tools needed: Scrollsaw saw and other common workshop tools
The Appenzeller Sennenhund is a medium-size breed of dog, one of the four regional breeds of Sennenhund-type dogs from the Swiss Alps. The name Sennenhund refers to people called Senn, herders in the ...
A Burgos Pointer (Spanish: perdiguero de Burgos) is a breed of dog native to Spain. Originating from Castile, especially in the province of Burgos, this hardy breed is used for hunting and has some ou...
The German longhaired pointer (GLP) is a breed of dog. It was developed in Germany, and is used as a gundog. Full size drawings plus 1/2 size bonus drawings. Custom sizing available.
The German Wire Haired Pointer is a medium to large-sized griffon type breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. 12 x 12 inches, full size drawings. A bonus half sized drawing...
The German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) is a medium to large sized breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. Full size drawings measuring 12 x 9 inches. Bonus 1/2 size drawings a...
The German Wirehaired Pointer is a medium to large-sized griffon type breed of dog developed in the 19th century in Germany for hunting. Full size drawings, 12 x 10.25 inches. A bonus half size patter...
The Old Danish Pointer is a medium-sized breed of dog, white with brown markings, originally used as a pointing dog in Denmark. Full size drawings. Bonus half size drawing included. Custom sizing avai...
While the dog is often called the English Pointer colloquially, the official breed name according to the British Kennel Club is simply Pointer. Bonus half size drawing included. Custom sizing availabl...
A Portuguese Pointer, (Portuguese: Perdigueiro Portuguęs) is a breed of dog developed as a gun dog. Bonus half size drawing included. Custom sizing available.
The Pudelpointer is a versatile hunting dog breed from Germany. It is a pointing breed that came from a cross between the German hunting poodle (pudel) and the English Pointer. Bonus half size pattern...