Plan Author: WoodworkersWorkshop®
Plan Size: 258KB, 3 page(s)
Plan Publisher:, Inc.
Published Date: 2001
Plan Language: English
Wood and/or Supplies needed: Scrap wood!
Tools needed: Scrollsaw saw and other common workshop tools
Here we have our simple three dimensional teddy bear with heart. Display as a ornament decoration or just sit on the shelf. Easy to cut and paint using the smallest of scrap wood pieces. Simply size i...
These mini-shapes can be used in country style craft projects. This page will deal mainly with detailing these small shapes. Of course, they may be decoratively painted if you have the skill, but ther...
Start with a simple heart shape to create even more decorative projects! Cut heart from 1/2 or 3/4 inch stock. OPTIONS-- Use as a solid plaque or cut out the center area as shown. Add a 3/16 inch diam...
Mix and match these two patterns and the project ideas with our other Country/Primitive Patterns pages! Do not be afraid to experiment! Edges of these designs may be rounded over with a router, shaper...
You may use flat blocks of wood for dowel bases for our Country Projects, but a shaped base adds more interest. This projects uses a Heart shaped base, but you may mix and match the base shape or the...
Almost any design may be used as a Shelf backing or Mirror Plaque, but this Heart is excellent. It offers a large inside area for maximum mirror size. The shelf may be rectangular, free form or a semi...
Sawbuck projects! Cut it out from scrap wood you probably have in your workshop. Most plaque shapes can be can be used for a number of different projects. This plan provides two patterns; a preserves ...
A sweetheart angel! We enjoy making holiday designs to decorate doors and walls. We developed this layered project to make it easy to paint all the parts separately, then simply glue them together. Th...
Express the love for your Valentine with this beautiful scroll saw pattern. This St Valentines design is a good pattern for beginners to practice turns and points.
Express the love for your Valentine with this beautiful Be My Valentine scroll saw pattern. This St Valentines design is a good pattern for beginners to practice turns and points.