Plan Author: WoodworkersWorkshop®
Plan Size: 692KB, 7 page(s)
Plan Publisher:, Inc.
Published Date: 2001
Plan Language: English
Tools needed: Scrollsaw saw and other common workshop tools
This aboriginal artwork appears in drawings belongs to North American native Indians, the Haida, found along the west coast of Canada, namely British Columbia.
This North American native Indian art silhouette is a wonderful representation of actual totem poles that still exist on the west coast. This project can be complete with only 19 cuts.
Warrior skeleton ready for battle, it has nothing to lose...literally!! Our full size pattern is easy to cut out. A complete drawing so you can quickly get busy with creating your projects. Simply tra...
Make fun of this skeletons bow tie and see what happens to your head!! Our full size pattern is easy to cut out. A complete drawing so you can quickly get busy with creating your projects. Simply trac...
Skeleton singers, they either make it into the business or die tryin! Our full size pattern is easy to cut out. A complete drawing so you can quickly get busy with creating your projects. Simply trace...
This skeleton marches to the beat of his own drum! Our full size pattern is easy to cut out. A complete drawing so you can quickly get busy with creating your projects. Simply trace, cut and paint. Us...
A skeleton with a guitar, some may think its too far. But those looking to rock out, will look at this and say FAR OUT! Our full size pattern is easy to cut out. A complete drawing so you can quickly ...
Whether this skeleton is viewed as saying HOWDY to people passing by or maybe you see it as dancing a jig to a ghoulish song in its head, this is a fun Halloween design! Our full size pattern is easy ...
This old salt water sea captain has spent some time down in Davey Jones locker! Our full size pattern is easy to cut out. A complete drawing so you can quickly get busy with creating your projects.
We hope you enjoy our owl artwork inspired by the Haida art of the west coast of Canada! Three sizes are included in this pattern package: 35 inches wide x 21 inches high; 20 inches wide x 12 inches h...