Plan Author: WoodworkersWorkshop
Plan Contributors: TJ Fritts
Plan Size: 0.4MB, 4 pages
Plan Publisher:, Inc.
Published Date: 2011
Plan Language: English, all measurements are inches/feet unless stated otherwise.
Wood and/or Supplies needed: Scrap wood!
Tools needed: Scrollsaw and other common workshop tools
Workshop Tips included: A full one page list of scrollsawing work shop tips!
Christmas Ornament woodworking plans - Several styles to turn or cut from flat stock. Assorted sizes and styles. Traditional shapes and a few new styles. Among the assortment is a replica of the classic...
Our Christmas gnome helps out with decorating the tree Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yourself. Or, you can choose the self adhesive...
Our Christmas elder gnome gets ready to top the Christmas tree! Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yourself. Or, you can choose the self...
Our Christmas gnome is busy putting the decorated Christmas trees in place! Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yourself. Or, you can cho...
Our Christmas gnome likes to take it easy while helping out with the decorations! Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yourself. Or, you c...
Our Christmas gnome takes a break while collecting some really big cones! Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yourself. Or, you can choos...
Our Christmas gnome provides a double helping while decorating the Christmas tree! Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yourself. Or, you ...
Our Christmas gnome is wondering if this bulb should go up next on the Christmas tree! Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yourself. Or, ...
Our helpful Christmas gnome knows exactly where this pretty bulb will go on the Christmas tree! Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yours...
Our artistic Christmas gnome is busy with his quill, painting another bulb for the Christmas tree! Our woodworking project is available in the standard line art drawings should you want to paint it yo...