Plan Author: WoodworkersWorkshop®
Plan Publisher:, Inc.
Published Date: 2014
Plan Language: English
Wood and/or Supplies needed:
A sheet of plywood measuring 18 x 36 inches will make one sign.
Tracing Paper is recommended.
Tools needed: Jig saw and other common workshop tools.
fun project
Thanks for the plans Jim. The kids helped me paint the signs.
Submitted by: Kathy P. on 09/11/2015 11:57:54 PM
Tell people running from the zombies where the safe and secure zone is with this sign. Perfect for decorating the yard, using in Halloween mazes, etc. Make either left or right pointing signs. And whi...
Zombies need to be put in their place, and there is no better area than a quarantine zone. These signs are perfect for decorating the yard, using in Halloween mazes, etc. Use the plan to make both lef...
Those running from zombies can be injured from bumps, bruises, scraps and breaks from falling and tripping. If you have not been directly injured by a zombie, then you are considered uninfected but st...
Green Areas are reserved for people who are not infected by zombies. These signs are perfect for decorating the yard, using in Halloween mazes, etc. Use the plan to make both left and right pointing s...
When the zombie apocalypse comes, it will matter greatly the research that has already gone on at this heavy guarded facility. Help the cause by pointing the way. These signs are perfect for decoratin...
When the zombie apocalypse comes, it will matter greatly the research that goes on at guarded facilities. Security check points will become a necessity. These signs will point the way. These signs are...
When the zombie apocalypse comes, you will want to know where the dangerous regions are. Help the cause by pointing the way. These signs are perfect for decorating the yard, using in Halloween mazes, e...
When the zombie apocalypse comes, you will want to know where the infected regions are. Help the cause by pointing the way. These signs are perfect for decorating the yard, using in Halloween mazes, e...
When the zombie apocalypse comes, you and your neighbors will want to know where to go to clear out. Help the cause by pointing the way. These signs are perfect for decorating the yard, using in Hallo...
When the zombie apocalypse comes, you and your neighbors will want to know where the safe zones are when traveling through unfamiliar territory. Help out strangers in danger by pointing the way. These...