Finished Dimensions:
Height: 6.75 inches (17.1 cm)
Published Date: 2013
Plan Language: English, all measurements are in inches.
This plan is part of a 17 plan set called Vintage European Woodworking Plans - Collection 2. You are purchasing all 17 plans for 22.95 when you add this product to your shopping cart. Collection 2 contains: Ramp-o-saurs, the Paratrooper, Tumble Bug and Bus, Chicken Feeds, Pedaling Circus Bears, Wood Cam Machine, Tumbling Discs, Notched Dowel and Propeller, Balancing Eagle on a Tower, Wooden Noise Maker, Bird on a Pole, Balancing Clown and Elephant, Tumbling Clown, Spiral Top, Jumping Clowns, Spaceship with bomb and finally, Rowing Home balance toy.
Download the informational booklet regarding this Collection #2 04-FS-160-booklet
A doll house made from shop-made 3/4″ diameter logs that interlock like Lincoln Logs. The furniture too, is made from wood dowels for a rustic, log furniture look.
The Stutz Bearcat was a favoured status symbol in early automotive history. It began production in 1921 and quickly gained attention with a 360 cubic inch, 4 cylinder L head engine and 60 horsepower. It won significant auto races during this era.
This nostalgic circus wagon pulled by an elephant contains two circus bears as well. It also has a removable lid for you to fill with other items you choose to display.