Scrollsawing patterns are a wonderful way to pass the time with minimal investment in equipment and workspace. This paper plans category shows a variety of medieval, mythological, mystical, and fantasy scrolling patterns.
40 inches to the top of the head, and another 14 inches to the top of the pole. Rousing tales of the Knights of the Roundtable and Sir Lancelot inspired this all-wood, medieval design. The project is packed with ...
Follow the trail of this good young wizard! Scroll this perfect pattern for young wizard in your life! Magical! This pattern is full sized to print on standard 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper.
The dragon may be a sizable opponent but cannot match the the magical powers of the good wizard. This scroll saw silhouette pattern is a good woodworking plan for beginners to practice cutting tight s...
With a menacing mouth full of fangs and fire, this serpent is headed just for you! This scroll saw silhouette pattern is a good woodworking plan for beginners to practice cutting tight spots and quick...
The knights in the foreground have their work cut out for them with this menacing 2 headed dragon! This scroll saw silhouette pattern is a good woodworking plan for beginners to practice cutting tight...
Imagine this decorative nautical style cannon next to your fireplace or nestled under an end table. It is pictured in pine with walnut accents. This project requires lathe turning to make the barrel. Plans provide full size illustrations and patterns.
This is a real working scale model of a medieval trebuchet (pronounced treb yoo SHET). It was a machine designed to hurl objects into or over castle walls. These machines were so successful at knockin...
This pony cart, pulled by a prancing pony, looks spectacular in oak with colourful red, green and gold highlights.
This friendly dragon is a delightful ride for toddler-aged children!
Avast ye Landlubbers! Make your very own replica of a pirate pistol & dagger set.
The gargoyle in this plan is creatively designed as a birdhouse, opposed to their original intended use as a decorative accent for down spouts and scuppers.
The gargoyle in this plan is creatively designed as a birdhouse, opposed to their original intended use as a decorative accent for down spouts and scuppers.
Make your own Medieval axe, sword and shield from layers of plywood and 3/4 inch thick stock. Looks spectacular displayed on your wall. Modelled after battle weapons from the Dark Ages. Shield is 21 x ...
A miniature trebuchet for your desktop! Launch small items over 20 feet! Base frame measures approximately 7-1/2 inches high x 11 inches long x 8 inches wide.
Kids will love tugging on this 3-foot long dragon, thanks to his flexible center core of canvas. That pliability gives Mr. Wiggles a mind of his own as his head and tail swing to and fro in random fas...
Trebuchet Trivia. A trebuchet was a medieval device used to hurl large stones and other heavy projectiles at enemy fortifications. Using the mechanical advantage of a...