Flowers have the power to pretty up an area, no matter if its outdoors or indoors. In here we have all kinds of flower patterns and projects from super easy to the more advanced.
Wildflower Horse woodworking plans - Floral and ribbon motif. 27 inch high at the seat. This classic rocking horse is rich with floral and ribbon wood appointments and light colored woods. It captures the...
Really simple to make. There was no need for further wood finish because we utilised 1x8-inch green-treated pine. The length of the turtle is about 18 inches. The paper plans include full-size drawings of the pattern parts.
Super easy to make. We used 1 x 8 inch treated pine so no additional wood finish was required. You could even use cedar. The frog planter box measures approximately 15 inches long. Pattern drawn FULL ...
All of your dog's necessities should be kept in one spot. Leashes and toys are easily accessible thanks to the hinged top. An 8-pound bag of dog food is stored in the centre of the hopper door, which may be tilted open. Even extra storage is available in the lower drawer.
It's quite simple to create. No additional wood finish was necessary because we used 1x8 inch treated lumber. Pieces of the project plan are sketched in full size. The length is 33 inches.
It's quite simple to create. No further wood finish was necessary because we utilised 1x8 inch green treated pine. The project plan is drawn in full scale. The length of the piece is 53 inches.
In his claws, this colourful parrot grips a 7" diameter clay pot. We recommend using a flush mount hanger to secure him. That way you can lift the project off to water the plant. All of the patterns have been drawn full size.
This stately moose is easy to make from cedar or other wood of choice. It holds two standard 8 inch diameter terracotta clay flower pots. All patterns drawn FULL SIZE.
Make this simple, yet elegant base in an evening, and then add an inexpensive globe, a little water and vinegar, and your favorite blossom to create a stunning accent piece. Though the rings of this e...